Anthony Candaele


1,530 Experience
1 Lesson Completed
1 Question Solved


found it, because on the vps I don't have a development environment, I need to start the Rails console in the 'current' folder with:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Hi Chris, James,

Just successfully deployed my Rails app on a Digital Ocean VPS ( a small step for mankind but a giant leap for a devops newbie):

thanks a lot for your help and patience,




I just successfully deployed my Rails app to a Digital Ocean VPS, following the Deploy Rails guide on this website. Many thanks go to Chris Oliver and James Dullaghan for their help and patience.

Now my app is deployed, I need to create an admin user so I can log in and start to create content.

On heroku I was able manipulate the database through the Rails console, with the command:

heroku run rails console

However, I'm not sure how to manually enter data in the database on my VPS.
Can I also spin a Rails console and access the production database, or do I need to do this another way?

Thanks for your help,


Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Hi Chris, thanks a lot, adding the secrets.yml file to config/deploy.rb solved the issue : )

I'm still not there, as a couple of other challenges await me like dealing with these failure messages:

DEBUG[f06a4082] Finished in 0.081 seconds with exit status 1 (failed).
DEBUG[09ba02b5] Running /usr/bin/env [ -f /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/config/database.yml ] on <my-ip>

I'm getting a couple of these error messages when deploying with Capistrano.

Also there seem to be some issues with assets:

    DEBUG[da33561d]     I, [2014-09-14T04:36:06.122787 #24469]  INFO -- : Writing           /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/public/assets/belfort-081a4bbefd8f4ed5f27bbb624d48f379.png
   DEBUG[da33561d]  I, [2014-09-14T04:36:06.125691 #24469]  INFO -- : Writing     /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/public/assets/jigsaw-puzzle-1c07a986767187bd9961fe69651705c8.jpg
   DEBUG[da33561d]  I, [2014-09-14T04:36:06.127459 #24469]  INFO -- : Writing /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/public/assets/logo-posplus-72x61-c0cc65a8684ac8d9da5d402fcbc58c6e.png
   DEBUG[da33561d]  I, [2014-09-14T04:36:06.129307 #24469]  INFO -- : Writing /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/public/assets/logo-posplus-a0276666c4cf6aaeb387a2580cdefc71.png
   DEBUG[da33561d]  I, [2014-09-14T04:36:06.139111 #24469]  INFO -- : Writing /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914083548/public/assets/member_placeholder-66af4d62c5dc83d72c054cf50caea6d5.png

But again I'm a step further in my quest to deploy a Rails app on a VPS

thanks for your patience,


Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Hi Chris, thanks, I wasn't aware of that and changed the carrier_wave.rb initializer:

CarrierWave.configure do |config|
  if Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.production? = :fog
    config.fog_credentials = {
      :provider               => 'AWS',                        # required
      :aws_access_key_id      => Rails.application.secrets.S3_KEY,                        # required
      :aws_secret_access_key  => Rails.application.secrets.S3_SECRET,                        # required
    config.fog_directory  = 'posplus'                     # required
  else = :file
    config.enable_processing = Rails.env.production?

and my secrets.yml file looks like this:

  S3_KEY: <%= ENV['S3_KEY'] %>
  S3_SECRET: <%= ENV['S3_SECRET'] %>

Then it also struck my that I working in a feature branch called 'capistrano' so I added

set :branch, 'capistrano'

to my config/deploy.rb file and I pushed the feature branch to a remote branch on Github

But I'm still getting the same error when doing 'cap production deploy':

DEBUG[e90c10e8] Command: cd /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140914000558 && ( RBENV_ROOT=~/.rbenv RBENV_VERSION=2.1.2     RAILS_ENV=production ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec rake assets:precompile )
DEBUG[e90c10e8]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[e90c10e8]     ArgumentError: Missing required arguments: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
DEBUG[e90c10e8]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/fog-core-1.24.0/lib/fog/core/service.rb:237:in     `validate_options'

sigh : (

I don't know why Capistranno isn't picking up the changes. Right now I'm not sure if this could be related to the problems I had with the creation of a postgres user.

Maybe you guys are seeing things I don't see? My remote feature branch is at:



Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Hi James, thanks for the help,

I did put the hard coded keys in the secrets.yml file and also sourced the ~/.bashrc file. But it didn't solve the issue. Capistrano keeps giving me the error:

INFO[97d4f95a] Running ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec rake assets:precompile on
DEBUG[97d4f95a] Command: cd /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140913135409 && ( RBENV_ROOT=~/.rbenv RBENV_VERSION=2.1.2     RAILS_ENV=production ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle exec rake assets:precompile )
DEBUG[97d4f95a]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[97d4f95a]     ArgumentError: Missing required arguments: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key

If this could clear things up, my config/initializers/carrier_wave.rb file looks like this:

CarrierWave.configure do |config|
  if Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.production? = :fog
    config.fog_credentials = {
      :provider               => 'AWS',                        # required
      :aws_access_key_id      => ENV['S3_KEY'],                        # required
      :aws_secret_access_key  => ENV['S3_SECRET'],                        # required
    config.fog_directory  = 'posplus'                     # required
  else = :file
    config.enable_processing = Rails.env.production?

I always worked on Heroku, where I set the environment variables with the 'heroku set:config ....' command.



Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

man this is hard, I put the environment variable S3_KEY and S3_SECRET in different files:


but none solved the problem, I'm stil getting this error message when I try to do 'cap production deploy':

DEBUG[ff424d92]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[ff424d92]     ArgumentError: Missing required arguments: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
DEBUG[ff424d92]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/fog-core-1.22.0/lib/fog/core/service.rb:237:in `validate_options'

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

thanks Chris, will try this out



Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

I tried to add the environment variables to my vps environment with:

export S3_KEY='my key ...'
export S3_SECRET='my secret key'

but I'm keep getting the same error when I run 'cap production deploy':

DEBUG[4f41f85f]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[4f41f85f]     ArgumentError: Missing required arguments: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
DEBUG[4f41f85f]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/fog-core-1.22.0/lib/fog/core/service.rb:237:in `validate_options'

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

I configured the production database and now the capistrano script is passing the production database error.

Now I'm bumping into another error:

rake aborted!
DEBUG[53a69508]     ArgumentError: Missing required arguments: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key
DEBUG[53a69508]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/fog-core-1.22.0/lib/fog/core/service.rb:237:in `validate_options'

I guess this errror is related to the fact that my app is using Carrierwave and Fog and is storing uploaded images to Amazon S3.

Does this errror mean I should create Environment Variables for aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key?

thanks for your help,


Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

ok, now I guess I ran into the Posgres issue, I reported on:

DEBUG[00c3d123]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[00c3d123]     ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: 'production' database is not configured. Available: []

I tried to solve this by adding settings for the production server in my local config.database.yml file

  database: <database>
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: 5
  username: <username> 
  password: <password>

but I keep getting the same error message:

rake aborted!
DEBUG[ffcbeda7]     ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified: 'production' database is not configured. Available: []
DEBUG[ffcbeda7]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-    4.1.1/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/connection_specification.rb:257:in `resolve_symbol_connection'

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

this is harder then I thought, I installed the bundler gem and now the next error is:

DEBUG[a18e2f6c]     rake aborted!
DEBUG[a18e2f6c]     ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable: Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes.
DEBUG[a18e2f6c]     /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/execjs-2.2.1/lib/execjs/runtim

Googled this issue, seems I have to install Node.js with:

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Moved on again with the deployment proces, but the deployment still fails. Now there seems to be a problem with the bundle command

DEBUG[020e32cd] Command: cd /home/deploy/posplus/releases/20140904144347 && ( RBENV_ROOT=~/.rbenv RBENV_VERSION=2.1.2    ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle install --binstubs /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bin --path /home/deploy/posplus/shared/bundle --without   development test --deployment --quiet )
DEBUG[020e32cd]     rbenv: bundle: command not found

cap aborted!
SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing on host bundle exit status: 127
bundle stdout: Nothing written
bundle stderr: rbenv: bundle: command not found

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

ok, again one step further

I ran

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

in the terminal

and ran a new

cap deploy production

the deploy proces moved on, but then it failed with

Finished in 0.029 seconds with exit status 1 (failed).
ERRORlinked file /home/deploy/posplus/shared/config/database.yml does not exist on

I guess this has to do with the issue about creating the Postgres user which I reported about on this forum under the thread 'setup Postgres user fails'

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production



set :rbenv_ruby, '2.1.2'

fixed it.

However now I'm running in this error:

[62800640]  Warning: Permanently added ',some id' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
DEBUG[62800640]     Permission denied (publickey).
DEBUG[62800640]     fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
DEBUG[62800640]     Please make sure you have the correct access rights
DEBUG[62800640]     and the repository exists.
DEBUG[62800640] Finished in 0.745 seconds with exit status 128 (failed).

Posted in setup Postgres user fails

when I switch to the postgres user and run

dropuser postgres

I get

dropuser: removal of role "postgres" failed: ERROR:  current user cannot be dropped

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

when I run

ls ~/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2-p95

on the vps, I get

ls: cannot access /home/deploy/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2-p95: No such file or directory

Posted in Ruby issue when doing cap deploy production

Hi Chris,

when I run the command as deploy user on the vps

which ~/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2-p95

I get no output, just a new cursor line

when I run

which ruby

I get


when I run

ruby -v

I get

ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-linux]

I also try to solve the issue by changing the line in my Capfile from

set :rbenv_ruby, '2.1.2-p95'


set :rbenv_ruby, '2.1.2p95'

but that didn't fix it.

Posted in setup Postgres user fails


I'm following the Deploy Rails guide

I'm now a the part where Postgres gets installed. I successfully installed Postgres, but when I try to create a new Postgres user with:

createuser --pwprompt

, I'm getting this message:

creation of new role failed: ERROR:  role "postgres" already exists

anyone knows what's going on?

thanks for your help,


Posted in deploy Rails

you also may run into this issue when first doing an ssh login:

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
<some key>
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/youraccount/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending RSA key in /Users/youraccount/.ssh/known_hosts:12
RSA host key for <your host ip-address> has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

To fix this I run:

ssh-keygen -R [host ip-address]

I found the solution on Stack Overflow:

hope this might help someone running in the same issue as I am,
