Beau O'Hara
Posted in Managed hosting
I have been checking out as an option. Looks very interesting... anyone here ever used it?
Posted in Managed hosting
Good to know about rackspace. I'd be curious about the details if you are willing to share. Engine yard for whatever reason does not seem that appealing to me.
Another option I am considering is leaving our elastic balancer app servers and job server and just moving our Postgres over to a multi-az RDS instance.
Posted in Managed hosting
Hi there,
I am curious what others a doing for large scale managed hosting. Currently we managing our own AWS and I would like to hand those duties over to a 3rd party. I am looking at Heroku but the database we need is $1200/month and the dyno thing seems hard to compare with AWS instance sizes, I'm open to any provider suggestions (Rackspace, Elastic bean stalk, etc).
I would appreciate advice from anyone running a large scale apps with a managed provider. Have you found it worth the cost?