Nathan Hamilton


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Posted in Hotwire missing template on form submission

Hey Jake,
This is really helpful so thank you!

You are posting this as it should be laid out in the controller, but in my case, I am actually using a turbo stream page called index.turbo_stream.erb to render the contents from the server. I am experiencing the exact same issue described in the original post, but I can't figure out how to have turbo recognize this and render the content.

Here's what that index.turbo_stream.erb looks like:

<%= turbo_stream_action_tag(
  target: "card-list",
  template: %(#{render partial: 'admin/card', collection: @results, as: :result })
) %>
<%= turbo_stream_action_tag(
  target: "pager",
  template: %(#{render "pager", pagy: @pagy})
) %>

In my controller I'm simply doing the following:

respond_to do |format|

How do I modify the stream template to recognize the partial and render the content correctly?