Hi everyone! First post and I'm stuck understanding Action Mailbox. I'm looking at building... basically an SMTP service, but not quite.
I'd like users that signup:
- be given a user/pass/port like a regular email provider
- have my server/app capture incoming emails from users <- stuck here
- process the email (magic) then use Action Mailer (& 3rd party) to send email
I've looked at GoRails action mailbox tutorial, and seems all use cases involve people sending email to 1 specified address and processing based on the sender. It also seems the majority of SMTP SaaS companies provide the same kind of service.
But I need more of a traditional email provider setup. I haven't seen anyone build an incoming SMTP server with rails. Is it possible? Does rails have a mechanism to setup a service that acts like a Mail Submission Agent between the Mail User Agent and the Mail Transfer Agent? Or do I hook into a 3rd party (I'd prefer this). Or do I somehow hook into a Postfix setup or something similar?
Thanks for the advice!