Glory Bourlier


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Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion

Hello Chris,
thanks for your answer.
About secrets.yml, I found it.
About git it's exactly the problem. Since the begin I did #1 but as I say that did not work.
So perhaps I've forgoten to do something, or I don't no what. So to be sur i'm going to delete the server and restart all from the beginning. I don't really understand the #2 for git authentication on my server, but I'm going to read the docs you send me, I hope that will works this time.
Thank you again for your work.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion

Hello Chris,
it's the first time I'm trying to deploy an app on a server.
for the moment i have 2 problems.
first, optionnal: I don't have secrets.yml, secrets.yml.example and database.yml.example in my rails app. Do I have to create them and if yes what do I put in my secrets.yml (On the other hand, I have credentials.yml.enc and master.key)
secondly, i'm at the first deploy step and every time i run "cap production deploy" that stop at "git:check" with this message : Permission denied (publickey,password).
01 fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
01 Please make sure you have the correct access rights
01 and the repository exists.
I had, beforedeploying, generate a pair of key in the sudo user on the server, I had add this public key to the deploy key section of my repo git. I tried to clone the repo on the server but I have the same message. but on local no problem. Do you have an idea of what I did wrong (I look for a solution on google, I try change the git address and several other things since one day). Did I miss something.
And of course thank you very much, Chris, for this article.