I am researching for a new project, as I am looking for any good Rails app or API. however, “google” is not very much helpful when coming to “Virtual” as they are more related to Virtual Environment or VirtualBox.
I am more looking like a sport relation since we are in lockdown, I am trying to build for my local running club. so the function is more like Club manager ( look after the event and user register, approval etc) Event manager ( look after the event ) user ( just register, register event and run/walk then upload )
So I am looking for an App that user can register event like Run/walk 5km then when it has done, they can upload it on the result with images upload. then the event will arrange rank first to 100 runners based on fast time etc.
I know the function but at the moment I am in “Writer Block”, I need to break it and any source code GitHub or sample or anything would be great.