Rafal Siepak
Posted in Learning-path next release
Hi there,
I wanted to ask you when are you planning to release the next series of learning-path course and how often do you plan to release them?
Thank you for such a great course.
All the best,
Jeremy, do you think if I provide you with the source code it would help?
Hello everybody,
I have the following issues. While trying to install the code as provided, I get an error:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function
at Selectize.create (post.js:34)
Do you think you can help?
Posted in How Do I Use Selectize in Rails 6
The error is for this portion of code:
create: function(input, callback) {
selectizeCallback = callback;
Posted in How Do I Use Selectize in Rails 6
Thank you for that answer.
I would like to use TailwindCSS, instead of Bootstrap. What changes should I make to this code? or would that code work without Bootstrap installed. Currently I try to work it out and I get an error.
submissions.js:33 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function
at Selectize.create (submissions.js:33)
at Selectize.createItem (selectize.js:2196)
at Selectize.onOptionSelect (selectize.js:1235)
at HTMLDivElement. (selectize.js:687)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:4658)
at HTMLDivElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4478)
create @ submissions.js:33
createItem @ selectize.js:2196
onOptionSelect @ selectize.js:1235
(anonymous) @ selectize.js:687
dispatch @ jquery.js:4658
elemData.handle @ jquery.js:4478