Malav Desai
I have many cards (div blocks) on my single page application. I want to track view counts when user scroll through this page. Means whenever one card visible on screen or in screen viewport area while scrolling just increment view count for that perticular card (div blocks). Its like Facebook tracking pixel thing but i want ot create custom and different tracking pixel for my cards which track view counts when div is visible.
I am using Ruby on Rails and Angularjs.
Thank you.
I have many cards (div blocks) on my single page application. I want to track view counts when user scroll through this page. Means whenever one card visible on screen or in screen viewport area while scrolling just increment view count for that perticular card (div blocks). Its like Facebook tracking pixel thing but i want ot create custom and different tracking pixel for my cards which track view counts when div is visible.
Thank you.
Hey Jacob, Thanks for reply. I am moving my site from Heroku free dynos to DigitalOcean paid hosting. So my database is on Heroku. I have downloaded binary format of my db dump from Heroku. Now i want to move that file to DigitalOcean as my database. I have created username and database name for Postgres while deploying code on DigitalOcean. Now I just want to copy all the content of that binary file to that database.
Ohk Thanks.. But do you find any article or solution for that? I deployed my site code on digital ocean everything is working fine. Now Heroku rotates credentials periodically and updates applications where this database is attached. And i have exported database from heroku which is in Binary format. Now how i supposed to place that file or data to my digital ocean's postgres database which i have created at time of deploying. I followed https://gorails.com/deploy/ubuntu/16.04 this article to deploy on digitalocean.
@Francisco Quinones How did you manage to migrate your heroku database on digital ocean?