Corey Holmes
60 Experience
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Posted in Stripe Payments
Oh man haha. That always works. Thanks a lot Chris.
Posted in Stripe Payments
Hey, love the new Stripe video but I'm stuck on something.
I am getting the error: uninitialized constant ActionView::CompiledTemplates::STRIPE_PUBLIC. It's having a problem with my meta tag which I placed on the application.html.erb
I have this in my JS file:
$ Stripe.setPublishableKey( $("meta[name='stripe-key']").attr("content"))
And then this in my application.html.erb file:
<%= tag :meta, name: "stripe-key", content: STRIPE_PUBLIC %>
And then at the bottom of my development.rb file I have
STRIPE_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
STRIPE_PUBLIC = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Any idea why I might be getting this error?