Sean M


3,320 Experience
19 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


Posted in Upload Progress with Refile Javascript Discussion

Chris, if I upload a file with <%= form.attachment_field :message_attachment, direct: true, presigned: true, class: "choosefile" %> it gets uploaded to my s3 bucket (so everything seems to be working fine), yet when I display the filenames with url pathlike <%= link_to "#{message.message_attachment_filename}", attachment_url(message, :message_attachment),:target => "_blank" %>, it's served from my app (href=/attachments/....) instead of S3. Can you guess where things go wrong? Based on refile description files shouldn't hit my app at all with these settings.

Posted in subscribe if old one month user

Hey Chris,

Just wanted to let you know, that I couldn't subscribe from my profile. I'm used to be subscribed to onemonth, so I got the free half a year subscription to gorails. That has expired a month ago and now I tried to renew my subscription. Went to my profile page, clicked on subscription, then wanted to pay and it didn't work (tried 2 times). Then I went to the main page clicked on subscription from there and then everything was fine.


Thanks Chris! I will try the 2nd approach since everybody says it's better to keep (server,app,db) everything in UTC.

Nice tutorial Chris! Could you tell me how you would use this gem in a rails form where the date is selected? So let's say I wanna see and choose the datetime in PST in the form (w/ datetime_select or bootstrap datetimepicker), but wanna have it saved to db in UTC.

Agree with Tim. This tut is awesome and way better than the railscast video about twitter. Rutul, you saved my life too.

Posted in Forum Series Part 6: Search with Ransack Discussion

Hey Chris! Nice one! I'm already using ransack gem based on this tutorial. On the top of this for some models in my app I would like to take this one step further by using some AJAX/jQuery autocomplete search/sorting for my table. I found a bunch of things, but every given solution I found seemed to be outdated. As of Nov 2015, could you tell me what gems/jQuery plug-ins/etc I should use to implement both the ajaxified searching and sorting feature that will be good enough in production? Thanks!