Diego Polido Santana
Also I'm facing this problem with letsencrypt:
~/letsencrypt$ ./letsencrypt-auto
Requesting to rerun ./letsencrypt-auto with root privileges...
[sudo] password for deploy:
Skipping bootstrap because certbot-auto is deprecated on this system.
./letsencrypt-auto has insecure permissions!
To learn how to fix them, visit https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/certbot-auto-deployment-best-practices/91979/
Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.
Certbot cannot be installed.
Please visit https://certbot.eff.org/ to check for other alternatives.
I tried to install on Ubuntu 20.04 and I had no luck. any thoughts?
(this comment would belong to this post https://gorails.com/guides/free-ssl-with-rails-and-nginx-using-let-s-encrypt)
Hi guys, how is it going? I'm facing a problem after deploy following this tutorial. After I hit the domain URL into the browser, I see the message "This site can’t be reached mydomain.com refused to connect.". I already deployed this code many times in different VPSs just fine. In this new one, I don't know what's happening. I already tail the logs and I got no clues there. Can you guys help me with some insights?
Hey Thuba, I've created some aliases to add in my droplet so I can run just after the ssh:
nano .bashrc
alias rails_console='cd ~/myapp/current && bundle exec rails c -e produciton'
alias tail_production_log='tail -f -n 250 ~/myapp/current/log/production.log'
alias tail_nginx_log='sudo tail -f -n 250 /var/log/nginx/error.log'