Hola! Antes necesitas hacer una migración:
rails generate migration add_name_to_users name:string
De esa manera estás agregando un nombre al modelo User
Posted in Question BEST_IN_PLACE
In Rails 5 versions is it recommended to use the gem Best_in_place? What other alternative is there?
Posted in On what server is Gorails hosted?
Thank you very much for the answers.
Posted in On what server is Gorails hosted?
On what server is Gorails hosted?
I'm looking for one for a project
I have a project with Devise gem. I need to create a user with the admin account. If I am logged in with the admin account I can not enter the path / sing_up. How can I access this page?
Posted in Can I assign dates to display a link?
Hello, I'm doing an application where I have to show a link. The administrative must be able to assign the date where it is displayed and hidden. Sorry for my English.
I think it's done with the gem delayed job, right?