Igor Kasyanchuk
200 Experience
1 Lesson Completed
0 Questions Solved
Posted in monitoring rails performance
Hello everybody,
I want to share my gem https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_performance to monitor performance of Rails applications.
It's similar to NewRelic or Datadog, but it's not sending data to 3rd party servers, and just storing everything in Redis.
Look forward to hearing you feedbacks
Posted in New Ruby/Rails site with documentation
I'm with friends we build first for us and then decided to share with all developers new website with documentation - https://www.apiduck.io
There are similar sites, we know, BUT because of old documentation or invonvinent search we built this one.
I hope you will like it. We have many ideas which soon going to be implemented.
If you have some - share and we will do.