Greg Answer
Posted in has_one association on polymorphic model
I'm trying to build an activity feed based on user selected conditions.
- user follows Comments 1, 2, and 3
- user follows Note 4, 5, and 6
- user would like to be notified about Comments on Notes they follow
- show the activities ONLY for these models
There will be an Activity feed for all Activities at
The user can Follow different records and when the user goes to they will see only activities for records they follow.
class Following < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :followable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :user
I'm sorry if I'm being too vague. I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about this. I would like to use some kind of OR query without adding an additional gem. Example:
# Grab the ids of the models the user is "following"
@note_ids = current_user.followings.where(followable_type: "Note").pluck(:followable_id)
@comment_ids = current_user.followings.where(followable_type: "Comment").pluck(:followable_id)
@comment_ids += Comment.where(commentable_type: "Note", commentable_id: @note_ids).ids
# Get the activities that occurred on those models
@activities = Activity
.where(trackable_type: "Comment", trackable_id: @comment_ids)
.or(trackable_type: "Note", trackable_id: @note_ids)
I do have the Ransack gem installed. Maybe I could use it somehow? I'll keep searching till I find a viable solution. I really appreciate your help Chris.
So far this is the best solution I've found (tested in IRB with slightly different variable and attribute names):
# Get the Note and Comment ids
@note_ids = current_user.followings.where(followable_type: "Note").pluck(:followable_id)
@comment_ids = current_user.followings.where(followable_type: "Comment").pluck(:followable_id)
@comment_ids += Comment.where(commentable_type: "Note", commentable_id: @note_ids).ids
# Get the activities
input = { "Comment" => @comment_ids, "Note" => @note_ids }
Activity.where("trackable_type = ? AND trackable_id IN (?) OR trackable_type = ? AND trackable_id IN (?)", *input.flatten)
This returns 8 activities (5 Comments, 3 Notes) based on my sample data. This will work untill I find a more optimal solution. Thanks for all your help.
Posted in has_one association on polymorphic model
Awesome response time Chris!
This solution feels simple enough. I believe I can remove the following line from the Activity class:
has_one :comment, as: :trackable
My only concern is that there could be a lot of queries depending on how many times I have to do something like the following (untested code):
@comment_ids = Comment.where(commentable_type: "Note", commentable_id: [1,2,3]).pluck(:id)
@note_ids = Note.where(user_id: [4, 5, 6]).ids
@note_ids += Note.where("created_at > ? ", 10.days.ago).ids
# additional model ids...
@activity_ids = Activity.where(trackable_type: "Comment", trackable_id: @comment_ids).ids
@activity_ids += Activity.where(trackable_type: "Note", trackable_id: @note_ids).ids
# additional Activity ids...
@activities = Activity.find(@activity_ids).order(created_at: :desc).limit(20)
where I'm trying to build a list of Activities based on specific criteria. Is there a way to optimize this?
Posted in has_one association on polymorphic model
I have the following models (stripped down for simplicity) :
class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :trackable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :user
has_one :comment, as: :trackable
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :user
class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :comments
There are Notes with the ids 1, 2, and 3. There are Comments on these notes.
I would like to get the ids for the Activities where a Comment was created on any of these Notes.
I run the following query:
trackable_type: "Comment",
action: "comment.create",
comments: { commentable_type: "Note", commentable_id: [1,2, 3] }
But the result is empty.
QUESTION: What association do I have to add to the Activity model to make it join the comment model in this query?