pooja sawant
Posted in Setup MacOS 11.0 Big Sur Discussion
I’m using a MacBook Pro 16” and I was wondering if I should finally update to Big Sur (11.2.1) from macOS Catalina. Until now, TensorFlow has only utilized the CPU for training on Mac but the tensorflow_macos fork of TensorFlow 2.4 leverages ML Compute to enable machine learning libraries to take full advantage of both the CPU and the GPU in Intel-powered Macs. This is something I’m really excited about but I’m skeptical about the day-to-day performance issues I’ll have to deal with. What should I do? https://blossomfurnishings.com/wholesale dining tables/
Hi guys
Recently added a video to the "reality tv" type of series I'm vlogging in youtube. It's not really a tutorial but rather a commentary / recording of how one would go about learning and building an applica tion from scratch; in this case, an accounting system. It includes all mistakes / researching work / opinio ns etc. usps tracking
Warning: It may be a bit boring since I don't cut out anything to capture literally everything. showbox
Looking for suggestions or corrections or comments as to how I might go about a certain topic or even the video format itself.