My introduction to Ruby on Rails was a "complete course" on Udemy and reading Michael Hartl's book. A year's worth of dedicated practice later, I'm still struggling with my skills and understanding of back end development with Ruby on Rails, specifically being able to write unique code (not just cookie cutter cookbook stuff)
Can anyone suggest learning resources, books, videos, self-challenges, to become a more competent back end developer? How did you get better at it? I feel like I'm conceptually missing a lot.
If you can share your own journey too, that would be great!
Much appreciated,
Gotcha. I think I've been clumsily adding that code as the first line to all my controller actions in previous projects. Didn't even think to just write it once and set it for all controller actions for simple things, like you did here. Thanks!
Hi Chris, can you explain again what the "before_action :set_chatroom" in the ChatroomUsers controller does? Does it just point all the join and leave methods to the specific chatroom id?
Hi there. If wanted to build a 1-to-1 direct message system for my application, would you suggest I build the prototype from "Group Chat with ActionCable" series first to get started? It's hard to know how I should approach this since you are starting off this video by using code already built in a previous series. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!