Ahhh. Took a while but I eventually realized that if you forgot your password you aren't logged in, there isn't a session cookie, and Current.user isn't of any use. Duh. :-/
I'm at a complete loss as to the difference between Current.user and @user, and when to use which one. Can anyone shed light on that for me? Thanks.
It's okay to put the if conditional at the end of the require_user_logged_in! method? Huh…
Thank you. That helps a little I guess. :-) So a generic instance of the class has been created as a Ruby object with no specific properties via the "new" method, and then "create" inserts the user's values and attempts to save it? Still hasn't clicked in but I guess it makes sense the more you do it.
Could you clarify why "model: @user" instead of "model: User"? Why the instance variable instead of the Model name? Thank you.
Plural/singular confuses me. I know Models are singular ("User"). Why "Registrations" (plural) for the controller? Does it matter for controllers which aren't directly associated with a Model? Looking at your source, I see many of the views are plural also. Any tips for keeping this straight?
I'm coming back to Rails after many years. I had the exact same question! The article that surfaced when I searched was https://duseev.com/articles/rbenv-vs-rvm/ I'll also read the two recommended by Pierre-Loïc. Thank you for those leads. Getting RVM off my system looks like an intimidating undertaking. :-(