Anand Duddella


310 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved



I am trying to create for example a contact model but currently i only know of for example first name, last name and email but would want to give the user a choice of entering more custom fields which would be linked to my contact model

Can any one help or point towards an article with code which does this

Thank you in advance 


Hi Chris

Thank you for the reply really appreciate your pointers. After leaving the comment on the website I have tried and am able to integrate Rails with Devise and Google Omniauth2 . So currently my app users can sign up with their google credentials and while signing up for the first time Google sends back the access_token and refresh token . I have persisted the refresh token into the DB. The part where it gets tricky for me is using rails how do i now send a post request to Google using Google API.

The example Google mentions is not using rails and is really not helpful. Hopefully you can cover this soon.

Looking forward to it. Thank you once again

I am very new to rails and trying to build an app which can interact with Google DRIVE Api V3. I have scaffolded a Rails 5 App and used Devise Gem along with Google OmniAuth2 to authenticate and register the user and grant access to his Drive. But according to we need to get authorization token before making the API call.

I am not able to find any example as even the Google Drive example the Ruby example is deprecated

Any help would be greatly appreciated