Bekki Freeman
Here's the link the the exact branch: https://github.com/thoughtbot/hotwire-example-template/tree/hotwire-example-inline-edit/app
Posted in See a list of videos I've completed?
Thank you! An easy spot would be to click on the badge that shows the number of completed videos.
Posted in See a list of videos I've completed?
Does anyone know of a way to see a list of all the videos I've watched/marked completed? I frequently think "Shoot I saw that in one of the videos I watched, but which ones have I watched?" This would help narrow it down so that it would be easier to re-watch or search for specific knowledge. Thanks!
@Collin, this was a great video, but the crown jewel was learning about the existence of <% fail %>, thank you!
Posted in How to build a wizard
Wicked wizard is great, no doubt. @Chris, where GoRails would be helpful is in doing a wicked + hotwire screencast.