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Posted in How to use Stripe Checkout in Rails Discussion

Hey Chris,

How would you set up the controller for multiple prices? I'm currently creating 8 sessions for 4 monthly and 4 yearly prices, but it takes a while to load the page and I don't know that i need to call Stripe 8 times when only one price will be chosen by the user.

Are you using Rails in API mode? If so, this might help:

Posted in Rails for Beginners Part 24: OmniAuth 2.0 URLs Discussion

I'm an idiot. I was putting my credentials in the production file and not using the --environment development flag. So I was trying to authenticate w/ the twitter api with no credentials.

Posted in Rails for Beginners Part 24: OmniAuth 2.0 URLs Discussion

I'm having the OAuth::Unauthorized 400 Bad Request. None of the suggestions here work.

I do notice that the omniauth-twitter gem has a dependency of omniauth-oauth 1.1 but when using omniauth 2.0, the omniauth-oauth version is bumped to 1.2

I wonder if this version mismatch causes issues with how the omniauth-twitter gem makes calls.

Looking for help from anybody who has gotten the request to work.

Posted in How to use Uppy with ActiveStorage Discussion

Hey Tom, i've been fighting this for a day or two. Which babel config file are you using? The one from Chris's code or the one from the Uppy tutorial?

Posted in Sharing Cookies with Subdomains in Rails Discussion

Aha! I fixed this by overriding this method in my ApplicationController with the following:

def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope)
    scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope)
    router_name = Devise.mappings[scope].router_name
    context = router_name ? send(router_name) : self
    context.respond_to?(:root_url) ? context.root_url(:host => request.domain) : "/"

Note the root_url(:host => request.domain) piece. Apparently root_url(:subdomain => false) doesn't exist. Find more discussion here:

Posted in Sharing Cookies with Subdomains in Rails Discussion

So i'm using Devise for authentication and i've got everything working for signing up and signing in, but i need some help with signing out.

There's a 'home' controller and view that is the landing page for unauthenticated users at '' and then there's a 'dashboards' controller and view that becomes the root path for a user who is signed in. They sign in, hit a before_action in my ApplicationController, get redirected to '' where 'test' is the subdomain for the account, and see the dashboard page.

Here's my before_action to redirect once they're logged in:

def redirect_to_subdomain
    return unless user_signed_in?
    if request.subdomain.blank?
        if current_user.accounts.exists?
            redirect_to root_url(subdomain: current_user.accounts.first.subdomain)
        unless current_user.accounts.pluck(:subdomain).include?(request.subdomain)
            redirect_to root_url(subdomain: current_user.accounts.first.subdomain)

When they sign out, I want them to have their session destroyed (obviously) and then have them sent back to ''. Currently, they sign out, the session gets destroyed (i can see the button text change and the account name disappear from the nav), but the URL remains ''. I see that Devise's default sign out path helper is:

  def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope)
    scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope)
    router_name = Devise.mappings[scope].router_name
    context = router_name ? send(router_name) : self
    context.respond_to?(:root_path) ? context.root_path : "/"

Is there some way to override this? My assumption here is that because Devise uses root_path instead of root_url, it's not taking the subdomain off of the route. Any thoughts on how to achieve what I want?