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Posted in Jumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data

Hey Chris. Same problem with devise_invitable. When I try to set the password after accepting an invitation (view: users/invitations/edit) and e.g. the password doesn't match, the app gets stucked. Could you please give me some help here too?

Posted in Jumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data

Great! The changes worked in my project as well. Thank you very much Chris!

Posted in Jumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data

Tanks :-)

Posted in Jumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data

Hi Chris.

Rails version 6.1.4
Ruby version ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) [x86_64-darwin20]
RubyGems version 3.2.15
Rack version 2.2.3
JavaScript Runtime Node.js (V8)

I just found this video:
In the end it worked (with the jumpstart template). But is it still the right way to go?

The latest version of jumpstart includes @hotwired/turbo-rails...(?)

Posted in Jumpstart App get's stucked with wrong login data

I've created a new app by using the jumpstart template:
rails new testapp -d postgresql -m'

rails db:create db:migrate
rails s

Nothing changed in the app.

A signed-up user can sign in successfully, but the app get's stucked when I'm using wrong login data. No (error) messages are displayed and the login button is disabled after being (back) redirected to 'sessions#new'. No errors are shown by the rails server. The browser console is showing this:

Error: Form responses must redirect to another location
at FormSubmission.requestSucceededWithResponse (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:1712)
at FetchRequest._callee2$ (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:1293)
at tryCatch (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:20932)
at Generator.invoke as _invoke
at (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:20988)
at asyncGeneratorStep (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:713)
at _next (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:715)
at application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:715
at new Promise ()
at FetchRequest. (application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:715)
formSubmissionErrored @ application-6749d4385864232cfaf0.js:4120

Can someone help me out?
