Marlon Braga


240 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
0 Questions Solved


I just finished watching the video. Thank you for sharing, Chris! Do you have any plans on creating a new course using this gem? I've been looking all over the internet and most resources are outdated from 2-6 years ago on building a CRM application using the apartment gem. If you built a whole CRM application using this gem I will be the first in line to get it! I really enjoy your videos and your explanations. Another thing missing out there too is building a CRM application from scratch without the gem and it would be incredibly informative and useful for beginners to have that walk-through without the gem and see how those associations and calling are being made. Amazing content, Chris. Be well and stay safe.

Wow! Thank you for you prompt response, Chris! I'm reading the acts_as_tenant gem at the moment, would you be willing to share a walk-through tutorial/resource you think would be helpful for beginners like myself to get started with it?

Wow! Thank you for you prompt response, Chris! I'm reading the acts_as_tenant gem at the moment, would you be willing to share a walk-through tutorial/resource you think would be helpful for beginners like myself to get started with it?

Hey Chris,
I love your videos and I'm planning on subscribing again to Go Rails. Is there any change you can build a tutorial on how to build a full CRM application with a single database (row-level approach)?
I'm learning to implement rails as a backend and react in the frontend. Maybe you're more comfortable building a full Ruby On Rails application instead of using react and that's fine by me. I'm just very eager to learn how to build a full CRM application, as an example the idea I have been struggling with is to build a management app that can have many admins and each admin has many users, users belong to admin, users can has many projects through a join table and only the admin can create new projects. There are some resources out there but most are outdated and using the apartment gem which no longer supports the new versions of Rails.