Tom Iwaniec


1,010 Experience
2 Lessons Completed
1 Question Solved


Posted in Sharing Cookies with Subdomains in Rails Discussion

Is there any way to share session information between subdomains when the session_store is set to :redis_session_store

Got a good answer to this on the Stimulus Reflex Discord and figured I'd share here. Basically executing the JS could be a CSP issue, and you'd want to use CableReady operations, such as afterReflex etc to call whatever JS code you need executed.

I've got Stimulus Reflex up and running well, but was wondering if there's a way to have it execute javascript commands sent back in script tags within HTML rendered partials when they're added to the page dom? Seems like they don't execute by default.

Not sure if the forum is a good place to ask technical questions like this, but I have a heartable concern that I will be applying to several models:

module Heartable
    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

    included do
        has_many :hearts, as: :heartable, dependent: :destroy
        has_many :hearters, through: :hearts, source: "user"



class Heart < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :heartable, polymorphic: true
  validates :user, uniqueness: { scope: [:heartable_id ,:heartable_type],
    message: "You've already loved this!" }

Listing.rb (one of the heartable types):

class Listing < ApplicationRecord
      include Heartable

And finally in User.rb:

has_many :hearts, dependent: :destroy
has_many :heartables, through: :hearts, source_type: "Heartable" #this is the problematic line

Everything works in the association (User.hearts, Heartable.hearts, Heartable.hearters) except for User.heartables, which returns:
NoMethodError: undefined method `relation_delegate_class' for Heartable:Module

If I change the association in User.rb to:

has_many :heartables, through: :hearts, source: "heartable"

User.heartables returns:
ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughAssociationPolymorphicSourceError: Cannot have a has_many :through association 'User#heartables' on the polymorphic object 'Heartable#heartable' without 'source_type'. Try adding 'source_type: "Heartable"' to 'has_many :through' definition.

If I change the association in User.rb to:

has_many :heartables, through: :hearts, source_type: "Listing"

Then it will work, but defeats the purpose of having the association on a concern so that I can easily apply it to other models.

Thanks for your time!