Hai Red Fox


830 Experience
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Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion

what problem are you facing?

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion

Oh I just forgot to put user deploy instead of root in deploy.rb file. Now it's running fine. Thank you

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion

Hello Chris,
Thank you for this amazing guide. I followed all the steps and I can deploy fine. But when access the address with my public IP. I keep getting the error screen with this message

We're sorry, but something went wrong.
The issue has been logged for investigation. Please try again later.

After checking the nginx error log. I found this

App 82883 output: /bin/sh: 1: exec: /home/deploy/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/ruby: Permission denied
[ E 2021-06-01 19:08:57.8708 82618/Tz age/Cor/App/Implementation.cpp:221 ]: Could not spawn process for application /var/www/harefx-dev/current: The application process exited prematurely.
  Error ID: 8eae67af
  Error details saved to: /tmp/passenger-error-JR3VAo.html

[ E 2021-06-01 19:08:57.8755 82618/T8 age/Cor/Con/CheckoutSession.cpp:274 ]: [Client 1-3] Cannot checkout session because a spawning error occurred. The identifier of the error is 8eae67af. Please see earlier logs for details about the error.

I double-checked the permission of /home/deploy/.rbenv/shims/ruby, it's already owned by deploy user and the permission is set to chmod 777 already. Did I miss something? :(