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Posted in Exporting Records To CSV Discussion

got it thanx chris

Posted in Exporting Records To CSV Discussion


belongs_to :client
def self.to_csv
attributes = %w{id client_id from_date to_date records }

CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
csv << attributes

all.each do |transaction|
csv << transaction.attributes.values_at(*attributes)
Now I need to add client.name to be printed (since client is the parent )?
is there way to do it or any recommended gem to use?

Posted in Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 2 Discussion

thank you I will look to spot the cause ;
Failed to open TCP connection to s3.louy-6.amazonaws.com:443 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known)

Posted in Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 2 Discussion

sorry I am getting this errore when I start to upload the image?
Seahorse::Client::NetworkingError in PhotosController#create

Thank you Tomas Bush
sorry been busy thank you so much for you help ;D

Thank you Tomas Bush
That will return the file path not the uploaded url file!
I am looking for the AWS s3 url

Hello I have api rails app that I can upload files via carrierwave to my s3 bucket and I got back checksum and id in the response now I am trying to add the url of the file uploaded with the json response ?
now I have this :
"id": 5,
"checksum": "4B1E2AAFE1BC3B7D79AB39F2834FEF81826054610DB951AA60D3965F609BB6",
"file_refrence": null