David Porter


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We wouldn't want our User controller to inherit from ApiController, correct? Because this has the before_action of :authenticate_user, which wouldn't make sense given there's no user to authenticate yet.

Hi Chris,

How do you go about creating a user with Knock? As I understand it, the method you're showing above is to sign in a user and create a token. How would my create User controller method sign in the new user and create their token?

Oops, looks like I only needed a few more minutes of reading the Knock docs :p
Knock does use email by default, and you have to specify if you want to use something else. Read here: https://github.com/nsarno/k...

Basically, you need to add this to the User model (replacing 'username' with whatever you need):
def self.from_token_request request
username = request.params["auth"] && request.params["auth"]["username"]
self.find_by username: username

Hi Chris,

How do you customize what is required to authenticate the user? For example, you're using email and password to authenticate. In my app, an email is optional and a username is required. So I'd like to authenticate using username and password. Right now, however, if I create a user with a username and a null email, I am able to receive a token by just using "auth[password]=password". I'm assuming this is because Knock default uses email (which is null in this case and would pass authentication). Any tips?