Taylor Cooney
2,160 Experience
3 Lessons Completed
1 Question Solved
One thing I don't want to have to deal with are refunds because a customer happened to get charged twice. I want to ensure that I've designed my Rails app to be robust in the face of failure before I release it to production.
What is the best way to process Charge requests in the background? Currently I'm using sidekiq to invoke similar jobs (see Mailer example below). Moreover, should I be making idempotent requests? What's the best way to approach this? This way I don't have to worry about creating multiple charges, and also don't start blocking up the server with Charge requests.
Sidekiq Example
What is the best way to process Charge requests in the background? Currently I'm using sidekiq to invoke similar jobs (see Mailer example below). Moreover, should I be making idempotent requests? What's the best way to approach this? This way I don't have to worry about creating multiple charges, and also don't start blocking up the server with Charge requests.
Sidekiq Example
def send_job_post_email
JobsController < ApplicationController
def create
@job = current_user.jobs.build jobs_params.merge(stripe_token: stripe_params["stripeToken"])if @job.create_with_stripe(params[:stripeToken]) if @job.save @order = Order.create( :job_id => @job.id, :stripe_token => @job.stripe_token ) end redirect_to job_order_path(@job, @order), notice: 'Registration was successfully created.' else render_form end
Job < ApplicationRecord
def create_with_stripe(token)
Stripe.api_key = Rails.application.secrets.stripe_secret_keyif valid? Stripe::Charge.create( :amount => 999, :currency => "cad", :source => token ) else false end
rescue Stripe::CardError, Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e
errors.add :base, "Whoops! We were unable to process your card. #{e.message}"
Hey Chris...how do you differentiate your form, so that when a user edits a post they've already paid for, the Stripe pay button is replaced with a typical 'Submit' button. Thanks in advance
Great video Chris
Nice one, Chris👌Moving the payment logic to be inline with the Job makes a lot more sense. Can't wait to sign up for the video series, thanks!
It's been surprisingly difficult to find more information on creating one-off, or single charges for a user.
Currently I am making a job board where anyone can browse listings, and a user (Devise) has CRUD abilities for a job posting. I want to embed a Checkout in the Job#new form and charge a user $x.xx before the job is created. This Checkout would work with Stripe to capture credit card details, and not store the user as a repeating customer; a user should not have their credit card details stored on file and should have to input the credit card information each time they want to create a job.
Rough outline of how I'd approach this. Let me know if this seems logical:
1. adding the Stripe gem to the application’s Gemfile
2. create the actual charges in the existing Jobs Controller
Currently I am making a job board where anyone can browse listings, and a user (Devise) has CRUD abilities for a job posting. I want to embed a Checkout in the Job#new form and charge a user $x.xx before the job is created. This Checkout would work with Stripe to capture credit card details, and not store the user as a repeating customer; a user should not have their credit card details stored on file and should have to input the credit card information each time they want to create a job.
Rough outline of how I'd approach this. Let me know if this seems logical:
1. adding the Stripe gem to the application’s Gemfile
2. create the actual charges in the existing Jobs Controller
| before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:new] | | def new | @job = current_user.jobs.build | end | | def create | @job = current_user.jobs.build(jobs_params) | | if @job.save | # Pass Stripe::Charge.create | redirect_to @job | else | # Handle rescue Stripe::CardError | render 'new' | end | end
I'm not sure if this will have an impact on routes how this will change how I add the credit card form in Job#new in terms of getting the [:stripeToken].
= simple_form_for(@job) do |f| | = f.input :title | = f.input :company | = f.input :location | = f.input :url | = f.button :submit
Hoping to get a clearer idea of how to implement one-off charges before diving into the implementation,